MI5-Persecution: How to Identify the Persecutors (11533)
(too old to reply)
Dante Alighieri
2007-12-17 01:56:43 UTC
X-posting to:
and X-posting to:
On 16 Dec 2007 14:28:09 GMT, MI5-***@mi5.gov.uk wrote:

<*.*>From: MI5-***@mi5.gov.uk
Eric Arthur Blair wrote about a fictional Winston Smith who was duped
into joining a dissident group. His recruiter was his inquisator at his trial.
WTF is "mi5" anyways "gov.uk"? Sounds like UK government to me.
Are you really an inquisitee or are you the inquisitor?

<*.*>Date: 16 Dec 2007 14:28:09 GMT
<*.*>Lines: 211
<*.*>Organization: news.newsdemon.com
<*.*>X-Complaints-To: ***@newsdemon.com
Update: Friday 16 April, 1999, posted 16 Dec 2007?
An "update" over 8 years old, so what's new, MI5-Victim?

<*.*>Followup-To: alt.sex.wanted,
The only posts are from the spammers and from you, ROTFL,
sex might be on their minds, but not you or with you.
They are only looking for fools to bite their bait and be caught.

<*.*>Followup-To: alt.sports.football.pro.indy-colts,
Right on! I am sure American football fans really care about you,
or could help you if they did, OMG, care? They do not seem to care.

<*.*>Followup-To: alt.alien,
I am an alien and I speak for all the aliens, we could not care less.
Humans here? Probably no more interested than we.

<*.*>Followup-To: chi.wanted,
Wanted in Chicago, Illinois, USA?
I have no clue? They don't seem to want you.

<*.*>Followup-To: pl.rec.gry.szachy
Dead Usenet news group.
I have no clue? What is a "pl.rec.gry.szachy"?
What would a "pl.rec.gry.szachy" care about you?
What is a "pl.rec.gry.szachy"?

<*.*>Followup-To: uk.misc
you must be more clueless than the MI clown.
google does not own usenet
nor can they directly stop his posting.
When that actually works to get rid of spammers, let us know!
In other words, google doesn't care, and intelligent USENET users
don't use google groups anyway unless they are government agents
who are fishing for idiots who frequent usenet, except for those who
are regular posters at rec.org.mensa, LOL, of course.
Doesn't matter a damn if they [gooooogle] care or not.
They [gooooogle] don't own or control Usenet anyway.
Sick of spam?
Stop using using googlegroups to access USENET.
Get a newsreader to access USENET.
Learn to use a killfile.
Use a throwaway email addy to stop spam in your inbox.
<*.*>If You Intend To Reply, Please Read This
Please keep your response to 25 words or less. Responses over
25 words will be deleted without being read, TIA.

<*.*>Please.... keep your response to one page!. Faxes over a page or two will
<*.*>be deleted without being read.
Is that one page or two, American letter or legal, A4, or 3x5 index card?
6 words at 96 point double spaced or a few more at 4 point single spaced ?

Get a life. Enjoy yourself and don't worry about all that M15 stuff, that is if
you are genuinely a victim and not yourself fishing for fools on Usenet.

. . . . . . .®


ªªªªªªª ®©cola hits the spot!

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Dante Alighieri
2007-12-17 02:01:57 UTC
On 16 Dec 2007 13:28:38 GMT, MI5-***@mi5.gov.uk wrote:
<*.*>Subject: MI5-Persecution: How to Identify the Persecutors (11533)
X-posting to:
and X-posting to:
On 16 Dec 2007 14:28:09 GMT, MI5-***@mi5.gov.uk wrote:

<*.*>From: MI5-***@mi5.gov.uk
Eric Arthur Blair wrote about a fictional Winston Smith who was duped
into joining a dissident group. His recruiter was his inquisator at his trial.
WTF is "mi5" anyways "gov.uk"? Sounds like UK government to me.
Are you really an inquisitee or are you the inquisitor?

<*.*>16 Dec 2007 13:28:38 GMT
<*.*>16 Dec 2007 14:28:09 GMT
<*.*>Organization: news.newsdemon.com
<*.*>X-Complaints-To: ***@newsdemon.com
Update: Friday 16 April, 1999, posted 16 Dec 2007?
An "update" over 8 years old, so what's new, MI5-Victim?

<*.*>Followup-To: alt.sex.wanted,
The only posts are from the spammers and from you, ROTFL,
sex might be on their minds, but not you or with you.
They are only looking for fools to bite their bait and be caught.

<*.*>Followup-To: alt.sports.football.pro.indy-colts,
Right on! I am sure American football fans really care about you,
or could help you if they did, OMG, care? They do not seem to care.

<*.*>Followup-To: alt.alien,
I am an alien and I speak for all the aliens, we could not care less.
Humans here? Probably no more interested than we.

<*.*>Followup-To: chi.wanted,
Wanted in Chicago, Illinois, USA?
I have no clue? They don't seem to want you.

<*.*>Followup-To: pl.rec.gry.szachy
Dead Usenet news group.
I have no clue? What is a "pl.rec.gry.szachy"?
What would a "pl.rec.gry.szachy" care about you?
What is a "pl.rec.gry.szachy"?

<*.*>Followup-To: uk.misc
you must be more clueless than the MI clown.
google does not own usenet
nor can they directly stop his posting.
When that actually works to get rid of spammers, let us know!
In other words, google doesn't care, and intelligent USENET users
don't use google groups anyway unless they are government agents
who are fishing for idiots who frequent usenet, except for those who
are regular posters at rec.org.mensa, LOL, of course.
Doesn't matter a damn if they [gooooogle] care or not.
They [gooooogle] don't own or control Usenet anyway.
Sick of spam?
Stop using using googlegroups to access USENET.
Get a newsreader to access USENET.
Learn to use a killfile.
Use a throwaway email addy to stop spam in your inbox.
<*.*>If You Intend To Reply, Please Read This
Please keep your response to 25 words or less. Responses over
25 words will be deleted without being read, TIA.

<*.*>Please.... keep your response to one page!. Faxes over a page or two will
<*.*>be deleted without being read.
Is that one page or two, American letter or legal, A4, or 3x5 index card?
6 words at 96 point double spaced or a few more at 4 point single spaced ?

Get a life. Enjoy yourself and don't worry about all that M15 stuff, that is if
you are genuinely a victim and not yourself fishing for fools on Usenet.

. . . . . . .®


ªªªªªªª ®©cola hits the spot!


Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Don Stockbauer
2007-12-17 04:03:43 UTC
Post by Dante Alighieri
<*.*>Subject: MI5-Persecution: How to Identify the Persecutors (11533)
Eric Arthur Blair wrote about a fictional Winston Smith who was duped
into joining a dissident group. His recruiter was his inquisator at his trial.
WTF is "mi5" anyways "gov.uk"? Sounds like UK government to me.
Are you really an inquisitee or are you the inquisitor?
<*.*>16 Dec 2007 13:28:38 GMT
<*.*>16 Dec 2007 14:28:09 GMT
<*.*>Organization: news.newsdemon.com
Update: Friday 16 April, 1999, posted 16 Dec 2007?
An "update" over 8 years old, so what's new, MI5-Victim?
<*.*>Followup-To: alt.sex.wanted,
The only posts are from the spammers and from you, ROTFL,
sex might be on their minds, but not you or with you.
They are only looking for fools to bite their bait and be caught.
<*.*>Followup-To: alt.sports.football.pro.indy-colts,
Right on! I am sure American football fans really care about you,
or could help you if they did, OMG, care? They do not seem to care.
<*.*>Followup-To: alt.alien,
I am an alien and I speak for all the aliens, we could not care less.
Humans here? Probably no more interested than we.
<*.*>Followup-To: chi.wanted,
Wanted in Chicago, Illinois, USA?
I have no clue? They don't seem to want you.
<*.*>Followup-To: pl.rec.gry.szachy
Dead Usenet news group.
I have no clue? What is a "pl.rec.gry.szachy"?
What would a "pl.rec.gry.szachy" care about you?
What is a "pl.rec.gry.szachy"?
<*.*>Followup-To: uk.misc
you must be more clueless than the MI clown.
google does not own usenet
nor can they directly stop his posting.
When that actually works to get rid of spammers, let us know!
In other words, google doesn't care, and intelligent USENET users
don't use google groups anyway unless they are government agents
who are fishing for idiots who frequent usenet, except for those who
are regular posters at rec.org.mensa, LOL, of course.
Doesn't matter a damn if they [gooooogle] care or not.
They [gooooogle] don't own or control Usenet anyway.
Sick of spam?
Stop using using googlegroups to access USENET.
Get a newsreader to access USENET.
Learn to use a killfile.
Use a throwaway email addy to stop spam in your inbox.
<*.*>If You Intend To Reply, Please Read This
Please keep your response to 25 words or less. Responses over
25 words will be deleted without being read, TIA.
<*.*>Please.... keep your response to one page!. Faxes over a page or two will
<*.*>be deleted without being read.
Is that one page or two, American letter or legal, A4, or 3x5 index card?
6 words at 96 point double spaced or a few more at 4 point single spaced ?
Get a life. Enjoy yourself and don't worry about all that M15 stuff, that is if
you are genuinely a victim and not yourself fishing for fools on Usenet.
. . . . . . .(R)
ªªªªªªª (R)(c)cola hits the spot!
Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com
There is release. Everybody dies eventually.
Dante Alighieri
2007-12-17 04:44:17 UTC
Some of these new toys are so creative and inventive.
This year they have an M15 Victim Doll. It's wound up already.

On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 20:03:43 -0800 (PST), Don Stockbauer <***@hotmail.com> wrote:

<*.*>There is release. Everybody dies eventually.

Yea, verily, but spam and the M15 Victim dialogs are like Tennyson's brook:
<*.*><*-*><*_*>For men may come and men may go,<*_*><*-*><*.*>
<*_*><*-*><*.*> But spam goes on for ever. <*.*><*-*><*_*>
December 17th, 2007, MARS at its brightest, -1.18 magnitude, about 5 to 6 am.
AOL had mistakenly said September 9th and it would appear as though we had two moons.
If Mars ever looks big enough to seem like another earth moon,
we is in a heap o' trouble, AOL, LOL...
History Channel
Program about evacuation operations.
One event. A terrible nuclear accident in a suburb
of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on March 28, 1979.
Three Mile Island,
uhhhhh, in a philly suburb, called Harrisburg, PA.
The deadly H5N1 bird flu virus has been found in two new sites in Poland on Wednesday, an official said.
Poland has suffered a spate of recent outbreaks.
The first was discovered at a turkey farm 80 km (50 miles) northwest of Warsaw earlier this month.
Further sites were detected some 50 km from that location in an area of intensive poultry production.
One of the EU's biggest poultry producers, Poland exported 230,000 tonnes of poultry to European markets last year.
Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas de M&Ms blancs ?
Parce qu'ils réduiraient les M&Ms noirs en esclavage, qu'ils voleraient les terres des M&Ms rouge, qu'ils chasseraient
les M&Ms blues jusqu'à l'extinction, qu'ils accuseraient les M&Ms jaunes d'entrave au commerce, qu'ils déclencheraient
la panique en faisant croire que les M&Ms verts veulent envahir la terre, et qu'ils se plaindraient que les M&Ms marrons
prennent tous leurs emplois.
You Know You've Had Too Much Christmas Cheer When...
1. You notice your tie sticking out of your fly.
2. Someone uses your tongue for a coaster.
3. You start kissing the portraits on the wall.
4. You see your underwear hanging from the chandelier.
5. You have to hold on to the floor to keep from sliding off.
6. You strike a match and light your nose.
7. You take off your shoes and wade in the potato salad.
8. You hear someone say, "Call a priest!"
9. You hear a duck quacking and it's you.
10. You complain about the small bathroom after emerging from the closet.
11. You refill your glass from the fish bowl.
12. You tell everyone you have to go home... and the party's at your place.
13. You ask for another ice cube and put it in your pocket.
14. You realize you're the only one under the coffee table.
15. You pick up a roll, and butter your watch.
16. You suggest everyone stand and sing the national budget.
17. You're at the dinner table and you ask the hostess to pass a bedpan.
18. You take out your handkerchief and blow your ear.
19. You tell your best joke to the rubber plant.
20. You yawn at the biggest bore in the room... and realize you're in front of the hall mirror.
Christmas is in my heart twelve months a year and thanks to credit cards,
it's on my Visa card statement twelve months a year.
Question: Why was Santa's little helper depressed?
Answer: Because he had low elf esteem.
Question: What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?
Answer: Claustrophobic.
Question: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
Answer: Snowflakes.
Question: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
Answer: Frostbite.
Christmas: The time when everyone gets Santamental.
I know. I know. People say "It's the thought that counts, not the gift", but couldn't people have bigger thoughts?
Santa Claus sure is a jolly fellow! Imagine all that driving and still being able to say "Ho! Ho! Ho!"
Father to three-year old: "No a reindeer is not a horse with TV antenna."
Every year, Christmas becomes less a birthday and more a clearance sale.

The Brook (excerpt)

`O babbling brook,' says Edmund in his rhyme,
`Whence come you?' and the brook, why not? replies.

I come from haunts of coot and hern,
I make a sudden sally,
And sparkle out among the fern,
To bicker down a valley.

By thirty hills I hurry down,
Or slip between the ridges,
By twenty thorps, a little town,
And half a hundred bridges.

Till last by Philip's farm I flow
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever.

`Poor lad, he died at Florence, quite worn out,
Travelling to Naples. There is Darnley bridge,
It has more ivy; there the river; and there
Stands Philip's farm where brook and river meet.

I chatter over stony ways,
In little sharps and trebles,
I bubble into eddying bays,
I babble on the pebbles.

With many a curve my banks I fret
By many a field and fallow,
And many a fairy foreland set
With willow-weed and mallow.

I chatter, chatter, as I flow
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever.

`But Philip chatter'd more than brook or bird;
Old Philip; all about the fields you caught
His weary daylong chirping, like the dry
High-elbow'd grigs that leap in summer grass.

I wind about, and in and out,
With here a blossom sailing,
And here and there a lusty trout,
And here and there a grayling,

And here and there a foamy flake
Upon me, as I travel
With many a silvery waterbreak
Above the golden gravel,

And draw them all along, and flow
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever.

-- Alfred, Lord Tennyson



Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Dante Alighieri
2007-12-18 11:11:11 UTC
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 20:03:43 -0800 (PST), Don Stockbauer <***@hotmail.com> wrote:

<*.*>There is release. Everybody dies eventually.

Can you prove, errrr, as "US" might correct "US" and us,
confirm that if we die we will get away from spam and the
inquisitive M15Victim posts on Usenet?

Can you prove, errrr, as "US" would correct "US" and us,
confirm that there is no Usenet in this yet to be proven and/or
confirmed spirit world?

Can you provide, as some would ask of us,
references (carefully selected from sources that
are known, LOL, to have published fantasies that
offer proof that your fantasies are valid facts) that
escaping from life itself is the only viable escape from
spam on the internet and therefore, the Usenet portion
of the internet?

Facing reality the latest updates I've seen end in 1999.
What value is there to rehashing these paranoid claims
in the present 2007?

A news broadcast in the that may be a videotape of an
earlier broadcast or might be time delayed to protect the
station or network from lawsuits has announcers that react
instantly to the alleged M15 victim eating an apple or
whatever else the alleged victim claimed? Children playing
who really have no clue who this M15Victim person is deride
this person? A person at or near a ticket window?
This is paranoia.

Facing reality the latest updates I've seen end in 1999.
What possible value could there be to rehashing these
obviously paranoid claims in the present 2007?

Responses are to be short, easily traceable and identifiable
facsimile transmissions to an unidentifiied fax machine or to a
computer that is set up to receive facsimile transmissions?

Good question.
A flashy fish lure?
Not attempted anonymity via a string of remailers to the Usenet?
Go figger ...

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com