******Help with newly aquired Iguana******
(too old to reply)
sidehack jack
2005-04-07 14:46:22 UTC
Please help me with a question in regards to my Iguana, I just found
an Iguana in the middle of the street dodging traffic.Poor guy almost
got wiped out by a SUV, anyway I am keeping him, has a nice big
cage.but he doesn't seem to be eating. How long can they go before
starving to death? I've been giving him strawberries, acorn squash,
cilantro,mango, etc. How big of an appetite do they have? I'm feeding
him like he is an eight foot crock.:) I also have a heat lamp for
him. I live in Florida so he is outside, at night I cover the cage up
with a tarp. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I named him
MOZART. and I don't want him to die due to my lack of knowledge about
him. Please help. And NO this is not a little kid playing around on
the computer I am 54years old.
Thanks for any information you can give me.
2005-04-07 23:30:03 UTC
Ke aloha no:

Go to the free access and free use website: www.anapsid.org

Click on that underlined line above and it will take you directly to that
Iguana website which is an excellent website and IMO the best herp website
online as far as the quality and coverage of keeping all varieties of herps
in captivity. Peace.


Post by sidehack jack
Please help me with a question in regards to my Iguana, I just found
an Iguana in the middle of the street dodging traffic.Poor guy almost
got wiped out by a SUV, anyway I am keeping him, has a nice big
cage.but he doesn't seem to be eating. How long can they go before
starving to death? I've been giving him strawberries, acorn squash,
cilantro,mango, etc. How big of an appetite do they have? I'm feeding
him like he is an eight foot crock.:) I also have a heat lamp for
him. I live in Florida so he is outside, at night I cover the cage up
with a tarp. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I named him
MOZART. and I don't want him to die due to my lack of knowledge about
him. Please help. And NO this is not a little kid playing around on
the computer I am 54years old.
Thanks for any information you can give me.
The Villager
2009-09-26 04:35:12 UTC
On Thu, 7 Apr 2005 19:30:03 -0400, "LizardKing"
Post by LizardKing
Go to the free access and free use website: www.anapsid.org
Click on that underlined line above and it will take you directly to that
Iguana website which is an excellent website and IMO the best herp website
online as far as the quality and coverage of keeping all varieties of herps
in captivity. Peace.
Post by sidehack jack
Please help me with a question in regards to my Iguana, I just found
an Iguana in the middle of the street dodging traffic.Poor guy almost
got wiped out by a SUV, anyway I am keeping him, has a nice big
cage.but he doesn't seem to be eating. How long can they go before
starving to death? I've been giving him strawberries, acorn squash,
cilantro,mango, etc. How big of an appetite do they have? I'm feeding
him like he is an eight foot crock.:) I also have a heat lamp for
him. I live in Florida so he is outside, at night I cover the cage up
with a tarp. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I named him
MOZART. and I don't want him to die due to my lack of knowledge about
him. Please help. And NO this is not a little kid playing around on
the computer I am 54years old.
Thanks for any information you can give me.
Just visited the green iguana care section. Encyclopedic, and more
than a little daunting. Sheesh, did I know that much about caring for
mine when I was 15 or so? I don't remember having to know that much.
Gloria Carr
2005-04-08 00:28:13 UTC
Post by sidehack jack
Please help me with a question in regards to my Iguana, I just found
an Iguana in the middle of the street dodging traffic.Poor guy almost
got wiped out by a SUV, anyway I am keeping him, has a nice big
cage.but he doesn't seem to be eating. How long can they go before
starving to death? I've been giving him strawberries, acorn squash,
cilantro,mango, etc. How big of an appetite do they have? I'm feeding
him like he is an eight foot crock.:) I also have a heat lamp for
him. I live in Florida so he is outside, at night I cover the cage up
with a tarp. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I named him
MOZART. and I don't want him to die due to my lack of knowledge about
him. Please help. And NO this is not a little kid playing around on
the computer I am 54years old.
Thanks for any information you can give me.
Reptiles have slower metobolisims then mammals, so they can go quite some
time without eating. Keep an eye on his tail and hips, if he starts looking
thin there then you may have a problem. Has he been pooping? If so try to
get a fresh sample to the vet for a fecal to make sure he isn't carrying a
heavey parasite load, which can cause problems. The diet sounds fine,
although when he starts eating I would limit the amount of fruits. Dandilion
greens and mustard greens are good too. Keeping him outside is a good move,
you get to save on UVB lighting. The only thing I would do is have an
emergency cage inside for bad weather.

2005-04-08 15:39:54 UTC
Post by sidehack jack
Please help me with a question in regards to my Iguana, I just found
an Iguana in the middle of the street dodging traffic.Poor guy almost
got wiped out by a SUV, anyway I am keeping him, has a nice big
cage.but he doesn't seem to be eating. How long can they go before
starving to death? I've been giving him strawberries, acorn squash,
cilantro,mango, etc. How big of an appetite do they have? I'm feeding
him like he is an eight foot crock.:) I also have a heat lamp for
him. I live in Florida so he is outside, at night I cover the cage up
with a tarp. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I named him
MOZART. and I don't want him to die due to my lack of knowledge about
him. Please help. And NO this is not a little kid playing around on
the computer I am 54years old.
Thanks for any information you can give me.
I would suggest taking him to a Vet first and having him fully checked out.
Good job on saving the little guy, hope it all works out for the best!
2005-04-08 19:01:44 UTC
Post by sidehack jack
Please help me with a question in regards to my Iguana, I just found
an Iguana in the middle of the street dodging traffic.Poor guy almost
got wiped out by a SUV, anyway I am keeping him, has a nice big
cage.but he doesn't seem to be eating. How long can they go before
starving to death? I've been giving him strawberries, acorn squash,
cilantro,mango, etc.
Feed him GREENS, man. Collards, mustards, dandelions, thistles. No spinach
or lettuce. Carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, squashes.....search care
sheets, there are lots of recipes out there. I've been harvesting my
dandelions and thistles for mine. Keep him warm enough and give him
sunlight or get a good UVA/UVB bulb.

The Villager
2009-09-26 04:16:17 UTC
On Thu, 07 Apr 2005 10:46:22 -0400, sidehack jack
Post by sidehack jack
Please help me with a question in regards to my Iguana, I just found
an Iguana in the middle of the street dodging traffic.Poor guy almost
got wiped out by a SUV, anyway I am keeping him, has a nice big
cage.but he doesn't seem to be eating. How long can they go before
starving to death? I've been giving him strawberries, acorn squash,
cilantro,mango, etc. How big of an appetite do they have? I'm feeding
him like he is an eight foot crock.:) I also have a heat lamp for
him. I live in Florida so he is outside, at night I cover the cage up
with a tarp. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I named him
MOZART. and I don't want him to die due to my lack of knowledge about
him. Please help. And NO this is not a little kid playing around on
the computer I am 54years old.
Thanks for any information you can give me.
From what I remember of having iguanas as a youngster, I think they
prefer more vege than fruit, as the fruit generally contains a lot
more sugar than they can process or really need. Also, iguanas are
nothing compared to eight-foot crocks. Maybe you're just overdoing
Continue reading on narkive:
Search results for '******Help with newly aquired Iguana******' (Questions and Answers)
Is it normal for a baby Iguana to eats its poop?
started 2008-07-21 17:44:44 UTC