2003-09-01 00:12:10 UTC
~delurks~ I must admit this is one of the *nicest* animal forums I've seen.
Everyone is so helpful to complete novices. I've been lurking for a long
time, but as I only have one lizard I haven't had much to say.
I posted a few months ago about my Tracheloptychus petersi (AKA Madagascar
Rainbow Rock Lizard, Madagascar Jeweled Lizard, Blue Jeweled Lizard, Peter's
Keeled Plated Lizard, and probably other names. There doesn't seem to be any
generally recognized common name). I've decided to try to breed it, its
quite pretty and after thriving while being cared for by a complete novice
(me) for two years I can tell you that they would be very good pets. To that
purpose I found a dealer in my area that actually has some and will getting
three more in a couple of days. I've been doing a great deal of research,
unfortunately there isn't much information on them! I got a lot of blank
looks from the local Herp Club when I mentioned my lizard.
My plan so far is when those three come in they will be quarantined for 30
days (is this a good amount of time?) and all four will go to a reptile vet
for exams, fecals, and probing to determine sex. The research I've done on
these guys indicates a 2 to 3 month cooling period, when the temp is raised
they should get 2 mistings a day (as opposed to the usual one) to bring on
breeding behavior. They seem to do well in male/female pairs. I'm thinking
of giving the breeding pairs containers of damp potting soil to give the
females a variety of nesting areas? The lizards need sand substrate.
Temperatures are between 95*F-80*F for most of the year, probably falling
into the 70s during the cooling period. I'm assuming that egg incubation is
similar to that of most other lizards.
Here's the two sources I've been basing my care on:
Does this sound good? These lizards are my first reptiles, so I guess it's
kind of ambitious for me to try to breed them, but I like my guy so much,
and no one breeds them.
Everyone is so helpful to complete novices. I've been lurking for a long
time, but as I only have one lizard I haven't had much to say.
I posted a few months ago about my Tracheloptychus petersi (AKA Madagascar
Rainbow Rock Lizard, Madagascar Jeweled Lizard, Blue Jeweled Lizard, Peter's
Keeled Plated Lizard, and probably other names. There doesn't seem to be any
generally recognized common name). I've decided to try to breed it, its
quite pretty and after thriving while being cared for by a complete novice
(me) for two years I can tell you that they would be very good pets. To that
purpose I found a dealer in my area that actually has some and will getting
three more in a couple of days. I've been doing a great deal of research,
unfortunately there isn't much information on them! I got a lot of blank
looks from the local Herp Club when I mentioned my lizard.
My plan so far is when those three come in they will be quarantined for 30
days (is this a good amount of time?) and all four will go to a reptile vet
for exams, fecals, and probing to determine sex. The research I've done on
these guys indicates a 2 to 3 month cooling period, when the temp is raised
they should get 2 mistings a day (as opposed to the usual one) to bring on
breeding behavior. They seem to do well in male/female pairs. I'm thinking
of giving the breeding pairs containers of damp potting soil to give the
females a variety of nesting areas? The lizards need sand substrate.
Temperatures are between 95*F-80*F for most of the year, probably falling
into the 70s during the cooling period. I'm assuming that egg incubation is
similar to that of most other lizards.
Here's the two sources I've been basing my care on:
Does this sound good? These lizards are my first reptiles, so I guess it's
kind of ambitious for me to try to breed them, but I like my guy so much,
and no one breeds them.