Help needed choosing a proper lizard species pet
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The Villager
2009-09-26 05:03:36 UTC
When I was younger, so much younger than today, I had an ig, kept him
for about four-and-a-half years, then left him in the care of the
science teacher at school when I graduated. My ig never exhibited any
of the nasty behaviors I've been reading about in this ng, which makes
me think maybe it was not an iguana after all, or maybe not the green
variety. Anyway, I am once again looking for an iggy pet or something
of that ilk, and would recommend any advice on something that's not
going to tear my hands apart or exhibit funky behaviors I need to be
an expert on in order to deal with. Guess that's why I always like
Guinea pigs--easy to care for, no special equipment required except a
vacuumm cleaner to clean out their cage kickage, and no nasty
behaviors or potential behaviors to deal with. I'm an apartment
dweller in a major city, so I've got space limitations. Any and all
herp or rept recommendations sought. If I had my 'druthers, I'druther
have a nice big house with a "reptile room" and some really serious
stuff goin' on in there, but my wife, ... well ... that should say it
all <grin>, she'll tolerate a herp/rep that's got the personality of a
Guineapig! <chortle chortle>.

Luke Campbell
2009-09-26 17:36:06 UTC
I've found out the hard way that free roaming herps just don't work,
so you are going to be looking at critters that can live out their
lives in whatever enclosures you can give them. I would recommend
looking into bearded dragons, leopard geckos, and perhaps ackie
monitors, as these species are relatively hardy in captivity, adjust
well to human presence, and can be docile and handleable. If you
don't mind snakes, several of the colubrid constrictors are also very
hardy, docile, and very easy to care for - particularly king snakes
and corn snakes. Anolis lizards and a number of geckos do well in
captivity, but are more for show than handling.

If you are in a major city, there should be a local herp club. If you
go to a few meetings, you can talk to the members, get advice, and see
what is available.


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