2017-04-27 15:20:45 UTC
The best way to care for your new pet is to let him go where you found
him. Besides effecting a loss to the environment (the food chain and the
availability of different species for posterity), it is very likely that
the skink will never adjust to captivity and will die. If you want a pet
skink, buy it captive-bred from a breeder or good pet store. A broadheaded
skink is only about $15.
Please let him go!
But those pet store broad headed skinks are wild caught, too. Better tohim. Besides effecting a loss to the environment (the food chain and the
availability of different species for posterity), it is very likely that
the skink will never adjust to captivity and will die. If you want a pet
skink, buy it captive-bred from a breeder or good pet store. A broadheaded
skink is only about $15.
Please let him go!
either stick with one personally caught or release it and *not* buy a
pet store skink.
AFAIK, broad headed skinks do fairly well in captivity, though I've
never kept any personally.
Behold the tortoise: he makes no progress unless he sticks his neck out.